Sunday, July 29, 2012

Pemrograman Web dengan PHP dan MySQL

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Daftar Isi
I. Pengenalan Web Server dan Server Side Scripting
1. Web Server
2. Server Side Scripting
3. Test Instalasi XAMPP di Browser
II. Struktur Dasar PHP
1. Sebelum Belajar PHP
2. Mari Mengenal PHP
3. Say Hello to PHP
4. Variabel
5. Tipe Data
6. Konstanta
7. Operator dalam PHP
8. Komentar Program
III. Struktur Kondisi dan Perulangan
1. Struktur Kondisi
2. Struktur Perulangan
3. Struktur Break dan Continue
IV. Penanganan Form
1. Berbagai Cara Penanganan Form
2. Form Input Type TEXT dan PASSWORD
3. Form Input Type RADIO
4. Form Input Type CHECK BOX
5. Form Input Type COMBO BOX
6. Form Input Type TEXTAREA
V. Array dan Fungsi
1. Pengantar Array
2. Fungsi-fungsi Array dalam PHP
3. Fungsi dalam PHP
VI. Penanganan String dan Tanggal
1. Pengantar String
2. Fungsi-fungsi String dalam PHP
3. Fungsi-fungsi Operasi Tanggal dalam PHP
VII. File dan Direktori
1. Penanganan File
2. Membuat dan Menghapus Direktori
3. Manipulasi File
4. Upload File
VIII. Session dan Cookies
1. Session
2. Cookies
IX. Pemrograman Berorientasi Objek dalam PHP
1. Pengantar Pemrograman Berorientasi Objek
2. Object dan Class
3. Properties dan Method
4. Mendefinisikan Class
5. Memanfaatkan Class yang Tersedia
X. Pengenalan DBMS dan MySQL
1. Tentang Database, DBMS dan RDBMS
2. Tentang MySQL
3. Instalasi MySQL di Windows
4. Koneksi ke Server MySQL dengan MySQL Client
5. Berbagai MySQL Client untuk Administrasi Server MySQL
XI. Pengenalan Structured Query Language
1. Apa Itu SQL ?
2. Membuat, Mengubah dan Menghapus Table
3. Menambah Record dengan INSERT
4. Mengedit Record dengan UPDATE
5. Menghapus Record dengan DELETE
XII. Aplikasi Berita dengan PHP dan MySQL
1. Merancang Struktur Database
2. Membuat File Koneksi Database
3. Membuat Halaman Input Berita
4. Menampilkan Berita Terbaru di Halaman Depan
5. Membuat Halaman Arsip Berita
6. Membuat Halaman Edit Berita
7. Membuat Halaman Delete Berita
8. CSS sebagai Pemanis Tampilan

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Tuesday, July 17, 2012

The Beginner.s Guide to Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop

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How To Copyright Your Photos in Photoshop and Lightroom. and Why it.s Important to Know How
By professional photographer Rich Wagner

The world of digital photography has dramatically changed the way photographers submit their
work for publication. Gone are the days of sending slides and hand writing little stickers to fit on
the slide mounts.
Now we can upload our photos over the internet or put them on CDs. But what about all that
copyright information that used to fit on the slide label? How do we protect our photos now?
The good news is that you can attach your photo copyright information to the digital file in a process called "embedding." When you take these simple steps to embed and copyright your photos with your information, it always remains with the photograph file.
And it’s just as important from a business standpoint, because you can add your contact information at the same time. Now the publisher can find your phone number, or a link to your website, to view more of your work.
Just follow these simple steps in Adobe Photoshop or Lightroom to protect your photos and embed them with your information...

Table of Contents:
The Difference between Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Lightroom
How to Copyright Your Photos in Photoshop and Lightroom... and Why It.s Important to Know How
Sorting Your Photos in Lightroom
Using Layers in Photoshop to Spot Color Black-and-White Photos
Adjusting Levels and Curves in Photoshop
Correcting Over-Exposed Photos in Photoshop
Adjusting Color Casts and Tones in Photoshop
How to Remove Logos from your Photos and Sell them as Stock
Please Download Here 

Chapter 1: Getting started
Adobe Help
What’s new
Chapter 2: Workspace and setup
The Lightroom workspace
Working with the Filmstrip
Viewing photos in Loupe view
Setting preferences and personalizing
Color management .
Chapter 3: Importing photos
Getting photos into your library
Importing automatically
Chapter 4: Organizing photos in the catalog
Library module overview
Browsing the catalog
Managing photos
Working with collections
Grouping photos into stacks
Filtering and rating photos
Viewing and editing metadata
Working with keywords
Finding photos in the catalog
Chapter 5: Developing photos
Develop module overview
Adjusting image color and tone
Working in grayscale
Retouching and correcting flaws
Apply Develop adjustments to other photos
Managing image history and snapshots
Quick Develop
Chapter 6: Exporting photos
Exporting photos
Editing in other applications
Chapter 7: Creating and viewing slideshows
Creating slideshows
Specifying the slide layout
Adding overlays to slides
Playing and exporting slideshows
Chapter 8: Printing photos
Printing photos and contact sheets
Laying out photos on a page
Printing overlay text and graphics
Setting resolution and color management
Printing multiple photos
Chapter 9: Web galleries
Creating web photo galleries
Specifying web gallery layouts
Adding text to web galleries
Previewing, exporting, and uploading a web photo gallery
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